HELP! Android Api Level 33

I keep receiving this warning on my google play console for my adalo app ,“App must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher”
Google play is threatening to stop allowing my app to be updated from 31 August 2023 because my app does not target API Level 33+. Every build I make and publish is only targeting API 21+. Is there anyone in the adalo team that can help resolve this issue? This is an urgent matter and id really appreciate any assistance i can get. Please help !

I got the same and had to make new build few days back, and the warning is gone now, in the play console API version is still showing 21+ but some other attribute is saying 33, cannot remember which one
I believe just publish a new build and you will be fine

But your users have to update to the latest version, since the warning is still showing on older builds so the sooner you have your build published the less impact will have on your users

I get the same issue, I didn’t resolve it, and I didn’t find documentation about it :frowning:

Make sure you also update any of your test tracks. Google play will recognise that if your latest testing track build is with an old Adalo build with older google API it will still show this error. (This should remove the status warning). However, I believe if the Production track is updated by sending a new Adalo build this should suffice …

Read more here: Google Play Target API Policy violation notice - Google Play Developer Community

In meantime request an extension, it’s a click of a button and the request should be granted if you say you have extensive work to make the updates. Likely extended to November 1st.

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thank you so much for taking the time, your advice really solved my issue

I’m glad! Good luck @CosmePeR

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