How can I break the body of an email?


I’m sending an email from Adalo by hitting the SendGRiD API.

However, it seems that the email is not sent when the body is multi-line text.

Does anyone have a recommended way to solve this problem?
(Example: Use another platform instead of SendGRiD, use other iPaaS tools, etc.)

I didn’t try this although I’ve really wanted to give it a go. Can you use the URL​encode component to URL​encode the body, then put it into the custom action. Then use integromat to decode that body, before sending to sendgrid.

An idea I had a while back that I didn’t get round to testing.

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I use ElasticEmail with html to make breaks with

. I think this was also working with SendinBlue.

Check ElasticEmail, also has good free offer and simple to setup.

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Hi, Thank you for the reply.

Can you share the Message(MainContet) that you use when you want break?

I don’t know how to use html for text, so I’d like to ask.

Well … I don’t know at all

If you can afford it, please give it a try.

I don’t have any right now for ElasticEmail, but I have for Sendinblue:

“name”:“Sender Alex”,
“name”:“John Doe”
“subject”:“Hello world”,


This is my first transactional email sent from Sendinblue.


That I also use: Send a transactional email

You can always validate JSON here:

Thank you for the advice.

I tried various things and was able to start a new line

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Hi, seems you found a solution.
I had the same problem but now my multi-lined text body Email Alert via SendGrid is working.

Just created a ticket to Adalo team as it seemed more relate to server (timezone) issue.
In my case, I couldn’t send the same mult-line text Email at certain time (during my daytime at JST - perhaps same as yours) but the email is currently working as of almost midnight JST. Just FYI.

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