Hi @naossoan ,
You can use a hack for this. Since any number divided by a smaller number will be a fractional number (Like 100/90 gives 1.XX), and the other way around gives “0.XXX”.By default any divisional will be “0.XXXXX” or “N.XXX” represented as decimals and so on.
A day has 24 hours which represents 1440 Minutes
If you add an Input text field with “Number” format and add the “Current Time” for example, you will get something similar to:
Adalo Backend
Adalo Frontend

Now current time is represented in numbers format (For this purpose we use 80 minutes which is smaller than 90 minutes)
If you now add another Input text field with “Number” format and apply custom formula like this:
(This is where you would have the Last Timestamp - First Timestamp)
We are saying to the current date/time sum (80/1440) so this calculation will add the 80 minutes to the current time, then in the second part we subtract the current time, so we are making the different between 2 dates in “Date/time/day” format, we get this:

Now if you multiply this by 1440 (Number of minutes in a day), you get, yes you are right, 80 Minutes give and take

So to achieve what you need, you need to get the difference of days (In this case 0.055555555554747116), multiply by the 1440 Minutes, and you get the current difference.
Now if we divide 90 by a higher number you would always get “0.XX”, if you divide by a lower number, you would get at least “1.XX”

So if you want to send to the Modal, only if difference is higher than 90 minutes, you apply condition in the button “Sometimes…” if the difference of the dates calculated “Contains” the expression “0.”
And if you would like to use smaller instead of higher, you would reverse the calculations like this:

Which you would still use the conditional “0.XX”
Hope this is helpful, if complicated let me know.
Have fun Adaloing