I m in the process of writing a post on it, but most likely will be ready next week. Is there any specific thing that is not clear?
Let me do a quick explanation base on the screen, first, you need to register an account on PDF Generator API , this component is work with external API to generate PDF.
You Account API Key, once you log in the account (PDF Generator API) and click on the link below the setup screen input, you should be able to see.
You Account API Secret Key, once you log in the account (PDF Generator API) and click on the link below the setup screen input, you should be able to see.
Workspace Identifier - Go to your account (PDF Generator API). click on Admin Panel, you should be able to see your Workspace Identifier
Template ID - Go to your account (PDF Generator API), click on Templates, you should create a template here and copy the id ( you can choose no data when you first create template )
File name - what you want to call this pdf if is download
Line Items - this is for repeat items, more advanced topic, ignore this for now.
Payload - this will be the JSON field to send over (PDF Generator API), it works like the custom action JSON field. a simple example will be
"company":"VisualDev Studio"
You can import this data back to your template ( point 4 above ) and customize how your template want to display the data.
- Configure the button, you can choose the output as URL, which will generate a PDF URL or Base64 which you can save into your Adalo database.
Hopefully, this will be clearer for you after all the explanation, I going to write a more detail post with a sample app next week, you can pm me if still having any problem