Integration with google Firebase

Can i develop and publish strong social apps, like Facebook, Instagram and others without the need of having to integrate my app with Google cloud Firebase? Can i get all the Features of Google cloud Firebase integration service in adalo by its own without me having to upgrade google Firebase to publish my apps?

You can get pretty far with Adalo and what it’s good at is helping you start small, launch a project and find out if your app is valuable to people and find out if it gets 10,000 downloads or 100 downloads.

At some point if you are super successful you will outgrow but depending on the complexity of your app - if it’s a fairly simple app then Adalo will be perfect. If it’s a social media app with a lot of user uploaded content and complex data relationships you may need to start in something more scalable to avoid pain later.

what database for media content can you recommend? so that in the adalo interface you can download and link it to the database