Is it possible to copy a Screen? I have two diferent buttons. Each opens a group of 7 screens. I already configured the first group of seven, The other group makes almost the same thing than the 7 first, just need to edit some details. Is there a way to just copy those 7 screens e make the little edits?
Yes it is possible to copy a screen. You could use keyboard shortcuts “copy/paste” to do that.
Oh! Ty for that! I´m sorry for it had seem a stupid question. But now I can go much fast!
Is there anyhow I duplicate a collection and then edit it?
No question is stupid, we are all here to learn and help each other, and I’m glad I could help.
I don’t think you can duplicate From within Adalo, but you can download the collection as a csv and do your editing and upload back as a new collection.
I ll try that! Ty again!
Oh, I think I wasnt precise on my question. I have a collection with 30 properties. I need a diferent colection with the same 30 properties. I created all the 30 properties and now I ll have to create all 30 again…
I’m sorry,
You might have to create all properties one after the other.
What exactly do I copy? I’ve tried copying the screen on the screen builder, and also copying the screen from the list of screens in the sidebar. Can’t figure out how to make either one work. Thanks.
@MikesClub in your Editor select the screen that you want to copy and click Ctrl+C and then click Ctrl+V
Got it. Thank you very much.
Great. Your welcome