Is there any way to prevent users from navigating back to a certain screen?

Is there any way to prevent users from navigating back to a certain screen?
When I’m on a “create item” screen which then links to the details view of said Item which has a “back” button on it, I want to prevent a user from getting back to the create screen and instead get to the list items screen.

easiest would be, to remove the create screen from the navigation stack (or simply don’t add it). Is this possible?

Hi Wolfgang,

On that details screen make the link action to go to the screen that has the list instead of the link back action.

Thank you

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One way is by having two screens for the “item details” view. One of those screens is only used after a user creates an item, and on that “back” button, you take them back to the list. The other screen for “item details” is used when a user clicks on an item to view the details, and so the “back” button takes them back (which was the items list).

Another way is to force the “back” button to a screen instead of the “back” action. So the button says “back”, but the action is to go to the screen where you have the list of items.

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thanks for the replies, the problem is, that I’m navigating to that screen from different sources, but it’s fine to go back to the same screen.


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