How do i let to user sort and filter the list in list screen?
Hi, here’s a great help article on how to sort / filter lists: Sorting and Filtering Lists - Adalo Resources
Hi, i mean that let to user option to filter and sort not that i filter in back… it is impassible?
Maybe you could create another screen with the same list sorted in another way. Does that help?
Hello, I came to a similar issue. Did you manage to resolve it? Thanks.
Does anyone please know if there is a way for this?
Does this help you?
Thank you Ajay, it’s definitely helpful! However, I was more thinking of something as an option for user to choose the sort option - date added/lowest price/number of likes, etc.
Hi Ajay, I came back to this and I would like to ask you one additional question. How did you please that small pop-up search window (0:02) without changing the whole screen (and whole background). When I look at your screen (0:21) I see a white background (the screen on top) but cannot really understand how it works. Thank you
Hey Ajay,
Where we can find the full video tutorial, Please?
I’m pretty sure it’s a modal screen. When you create a new screen choose modal, and set the transition as modal.
Here is an example that I made for you for allowing the user to sort a list by A - Z or Low to High based on changing visibility and input value.
Hi Edward.
Your link doesn’t seem to be working.