Let the user sort results by price, date


I would like users to sort results by price or date.
I would like to avoid creating different screens with same list sorted differently as I need to do so for a lot of screens.
I’ve found an old topic on the forum where someone found a way to change visibility and input value. As anyone any idea how to deal with that ?

Thanks a lot

Hi @chrl :wave:

With a Drop Down or Search box?

And you can watch this video too.

Thank you

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With a separate item such a modal with buttons or a dropdown with
Date : recent to old, old to recent
Price : Low to high and High to low

You could just make multiple screens with different sortings just like these ones:

But keep in mind, for users to sort the list, have multiple buttons and link to those screens instead of having a dropdown.

Thanks but I have a lot of screens where I need this feature, so evrytime I need this option I will have to create 4 more screens. It’s really too much cause I hae at least 10 screens where I need this feature.

Hope it helps. Thanks.

Hi @chrl :wave:

How about this one?

Created with one screen.

Thank you


That’s nice ! Do you think it’s possible to have price low to high, high to low and date oldest to newest and newest to oldest on the same dropdown ?

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Ok check now

Perfect ! Will you share the clone ?

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Great :+1:

Yeah sure.
Now you can clone

Thank you

I’m gonna test ! Thanks a lot !!

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Your welcome :+1:

It’s working, I will see if it’ working if I use filter on top of that.

Thanks again !!

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Great to hear that ! :+1:

And Your Welcome

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