List Filter for Newsfeed (w Follower-Following-Functionality)

Hi there,
I’d currently like to build a newsfeed where I can the the news from myself and my followers. I used the “Following-Followers”-Tutorial here but now i stuck:
I want to see “my (LoggedIn-User) News” and the News of all people i am following:

Just having one filter (“Newsfeed -> LoggedIn User”) or (“Newsfeed where my Mail is contained on the following-list”) works fine. But just “alone” and not combined :frowning:
Any ideas?

Okay, just solved it -> i doubled the “News entries” and set one of it "visible if “LoggedIn User = me” and a second “News entry” with the filter of “logged in user followers”. The main list is “All Newsfeed”.

Hope that also helps other people struggeling here.


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