List only appears after screen is refreshed

Lately it’s been happening a lot that a list in a screen only appears after the screen is refreshed. When I get to that screen for the first time, no list item appears.

Has this been happening to anyone else lately?


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Same here I have noticed that I have to refresh the app a lot just to get the data to show. Its very frustrating for me, but especially for our users.


Do you get this on screens with simple lists as well, or just in screens with custom lists?

I’ve been getting them on both list types.

I’ve narrowed it down to a device issue. My personal computer (2017 MacBook Air) is incredibly slow and I have to refresh to get the lists to become visible. Whereas on a newer computer or my tablet the lists populate right away. I’ve contacted support about this and it was hard to describe the symptoms to them. But I did let them know it was a device issue… From what I found.

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