Maximum items in List not loading on mobile (but works in preview)

Hi, I need some help with my custom list.

In short: I have a hours registration app, were users can log worked hours for all the workdays of the month, in July there are 23 workdays, but in my list it only loads 20.

My list filter in my list: date = between X & Y, no max records

In the best case: it loads all items as expected
optional case: load on scroll
Case at the moment: it only loads 20 items max, even if there is 20+

The thing what’s weird is that in the webpreview it works perfect, but in android and IOS it doesn’t load more then 20,

Hope someone can help…

Welcome to the community @Paco! :partying_face:

Could you share the behavior of, the preview and android or ios through some videos? Also since you have turned on the Load Items as User Scrolls option, you have to scroll for see other data.

Damn, I honestly thought I tried turning that on/off on both builds… :dotted_line_face:

Thank you!

You mean you turned on that option, in the builds? So all good now?

Thanks worked out!

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