Keep up the good work, and don’t let anything or anybody stop you form delivering the great product you were creating:muscle:
I’ve released the coded part of this software as Open source on github, check it out ! GitHub - franklbt/mfork: 🔀 Web app to redirect to two different versions of a website depending on the device used
I cant seem to get this to work. Am I missing something?
It wont let me add CNAME www →
really would like to use mfork!
Hello @jencass97 this is normal. You already have a CNAME record pointing to mfork with www name. All you need to do is to enter theses domains in mfork app. (Base domain start with www, then mobile start with m, and desktop domain start with app)
@franklbt Okay! Well then I keep recieving a constant load while in the mforkapp. I figured I was doing something wrong but if everything checks out OK then Im not sure why it wont let me complete the process
It seems that your TTL (time to live) is too long for your record, so mfork cannot check the ownership of the domain. Please wait for 1h and retry to add the domain into mfork app, or event better try to set the TTL to the value ‘1m’ if you can. @jencass97
that worked! beautiful! thank you so much!
Is this app still being maintained? Have had users reporting errors and more for a while now…
If not then if there’s any recommendations for a alternative that would be amazing to know.
Hey! The idea is amazing but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. Whenever I enter the 3 domains and click continue it just gets hung there and nothing happens. Is this still active and working correctly?
Hey @aryan @jencass97 then you should consider a component called device detector, checkout here - Nocode Monkey Store