$ npx adalo login
fails with the correct password like below.
Is there any solution or workaround?
I read @zachbharris’s post and tried
$ npx @adalo/cli login
but it also fails.
npx: 6.14.13
npm: 6.14.13
node: 12.22.3
$ npx adalo login
fails with the correct password like below.
Is there any solution or workaround?
I read @zachbharris’s post and tried
$ npx @adalo/cli login
but it also fails.
npx: 6.14.13
npm: 6.14.13
node: 12.22.3
I fixed the issue by myself. It was related to a proxy. You need to make @adalo/cli
proxy-aware if you are working behind a proxy like me.
proxy-aware:Make sure you have the HTTPS_PROXY
environment variable.
$ echo %HTTPS_PROXY%
should print your proxy server address and port number, for example,
Install https-proxy-agent by running
C:\...\my-component>npm install --save-dev https-proxy-agent
Fix some codes in @adalo/cli
In .\node_modules\@adalo\cli\src\login.js
const axios = require('axios')
const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent')
const axiosDefaultConfig = {
proxy: false,
httpsAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.HTTPS_PROXY),
const axios = require('axios').create(axiosDefaultConfig)
In .\node_modules\@adalo\cli\src\dev.js
const socket = io(`${SERVER}/packager`, {
query: {
sessionToken: authToken,
libraryName: config.name,
const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent')
const httpsAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.HTTPS_PROXY)
const ioOpts = {
secure: true,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
reconnect: true,
agent: httpsAgent,
const socket = io(`${SERVER}/packager`, {
query: {
sessionToken: authToken,
libraryName: config.name,
Confirm the issue is fixed.
$ npm run login
will show you a message “Login successful!”.
$ npm run start
will show you a message “Connected to server” on the bottom of the screen.
P.S. I hope @adalo/cli
officially support connection via proxy for people working behind a corporate proxy like me. I believe it should contribute to Adalo’s growth. Please utilize this post as a reference.
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