I’m from Nigeria, and it has come to my attention that the stripe payment method you guys are offering do not have support for businesses from Nigeria or the Nigerian Naira.
Please how true is this, and if it is true, are there any other methods that are available?
Thank you
Not currently, but we are working on allowing 3rd parties to develop their own Adalo components. Several of which, I’m sure, will be alternative payment methods.
Okay, is there a time frame on when that would be ready?
I expect over the next few months you’ll start to see some.
Maybe it’s possible somehow do it by API connection and WebView*?
This makes sense…how does one implement it? Personally i thought of using Zapier’s webhook function to change the value in Adalo’s database
for example when someone pays, the app goes to a waiting screen that shows payment is being processed,. When payment is received on the other end, Zapier updates the database in the respective field and the page automatically goes into payment confirmed.
This is an idea, still not figured anything because i have no coding background.
Hi guys,
I would be very happy if we could have alternative payment methods like Paystack with is accepted in Nigeria
Saludos, creo eso sería algo grandioso en adalo, poder tener otras opciones de pago
Mientras integran otras plataformas, tal vez puedas hacer uso de links de pago, que puedes generar para latinoamerica, en plataformas cómo MercadoPago, PayU, Kushki, etc. Pero el proceso sería algo manual. Aunque también tienen integración por API pero nunca lo he intentado. Saludos desde Colombia !
muchas gracias por tu aporte
He buscado y en mi pais El Salvador, está disponible Wompi…
@Ben Creen que esto puede funcionar?
We have developed a component requested by all users who live in Latin America and some countries like Mexico. Mercado Pago is the Stripe of these countries. It is a quick and effective payment component. It is possible to translate into all languages, different from current payment components. This month of Black Friday we decided to make a mega promotion.
Is anything available for square payments?
My company also uses Square Payments. Is there any possibility Square will be added as a payment method for Adalo sometime soon?
Integrating Stripe as the payment method for my app with Square as the payment method for my physical store will be near impossible.