Phone Contact List

Open-sourcing a phone contact list. This component (Android/iOS only) will display a simple list of all the contacts on a users phone and allow them to click on a contact to perform an action. If you want a user to be able to click on a contact to send an SMS to the persons phone number you can use this component linked to an external action and Twilio to do just that.

Video tutorial:

GitHub repo:

Installer location:


How can you prompt the phone to allow your app to access its contract? I assume that’s the issue I’m having because I only see the sample data.

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Absolutly, I rewatched the video and yes, it seems I didn’t add that in. Thanks for the feedback!!!

Follow the progress here to know when it is fixed.


Thank you! Over the past few days, I’ve been checking out your website and watching your youtube. What you’re doing is truly awesome. I can’t thank you enough!


Hello, I am using the social sharing component and I would like to know if this component allows the user who wants to share by whatsapp to see their list of whatsapp contacts

I’m also having this issues. Do you have an update on this?

Any update on this?

I just installed the component to test it. I use TestFlight but can not see my phone’s contacts. Just the test data. Does this work or is it the TestFlight Environment that causes the issue.

It looks like I skip Pragmaflow.

Hey, the installer isn’t working :slight_smile:

Any insight on how I can get the installer?

Thank you!

Same here… any news?