PragmaFlow Components Update

From my view neither is a particularly viable option right now.

Commercializing requires some commitment to service typically.

Selling components at $50/item which is on the expensive side, would mean that to justify 1 days worth of work we need to sell 20.

And we project that costs would exceed profits quickly.
Maybe because we’ve chosen challenging components.

The math above also excused cost of customer response, billing, the respective infrastructures and upkeep.

Then there’s the sudden breaking changes. Even with 7 days warning last month, which was a huge improvement over past experiences, it’s too much of a crunch.

Lastly, and this is probably a big chunk of the reason for the fact that skilled users go elsewhere: adalo is not a fun or effective dev environment, it’s actually rather frustrating and most Devs probably wouldn’t bother.

So we’ve done the heavy lifting, and I understand it’s hard to fix components. They are even above my level, though that is because I keep putting off learning react native actually.

There are many courses that can take come one quickly from being an html/css person to js and react.

My goal with the OP is just to create a single source of truth and remove us as the bottlenecks and information holders.

Frankly, I would be happy even to see others get paid to improve our components provided they were kept open source.