Prevent Swipe/back

Hi everyone,
When users swipe rigtht in adalo, often the desired action is to go back.
However in some cases, going back will trigger a modal or an automatic action (that should occur only once) that may impact the users data (i.e. in my app: add coins, remove coin…)

My questions are:

  • is there a way to prevent this behavior
  • is there a way to prevent the swipe on some screens?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Have you seen this in an app that went through the build process in TestFlight or just in preview mode?

I was concerned about a similar issue in my app, but saw a comment in the forum a while back that the swiping action is only present in the preview (because it’s simply a website). Sure enough, when I went through the full build process, the swiping action was not allowed.

Hope that’s the case.

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Thanks a lot for this answer!

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