Problem building advanced trip chat feature

I am trying to build the following and have been trying for three days to understand how to build the relationships so that they show up properly. The items in quotes are the Collections i’ve made.

I would like a “Message” to belong to a “Conversation” and I would like a “Conversation” to belong to a “Trip”.

A “Conversation” can be a 1-on-1 chat or it can be a group chat with members of a “Trip”.

I would like users’ 1-on-1 messages and their group chats to be displayed and clickable on the same chat list screen. I currently have this screen built with a list of “Conversations” and its working properly.

I would also like when the member of a current trip visits the “Trip info” screen they can click a button to open chat that would lead to the “Trips” “Conversation”.

Any help is greatly appreciated…

Hi @BZarbo,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

A trip can includes many users and then a user in that trip can create a conversation and chat with others? And if another user stars to create a conversation for the trip then the already created conversation for that trip opens? And the users can also chat with other users privately too?

Thank you

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Hi @BZarbo ,

I created Group Chat Template and come with very cheap price.

The trick is to have make-list button, so you can access the related collection.

Take a look at Event Group Chat which is similar to your “Trip”.