looking at the logs this is the error I am getting:
error Unable to resolve module react-native-svg/css from /private/var/folders/5k/73ljlsx16gxfxxgg9hbfb4tm0000gn/T/build-7Pc7Bj/AdaloApp/node_modules/react-native-qrcode-svg/src/LogoSVG/index.native.js: react-native-svg/css could not be found within the project or in these directories:
Error: Unable to resolve module react-native-svg/css from /private/var/folders/5k/73ljlsx16gxfxxgg9hbfb4tm0000gn/T/build-7Pc7Bj/AdaloApp/node_modules/react-native-qrcode-svg/src/LogoSVG/index.native.js: react-native-svg/css could not be found within the project
From searching here, I saw that one mentioned it might be related to QR code component, if I want to remove that, just removing from screen is enough or do I need to remove from “installed” components? and if so how do I removed an installed component?