Hello there , I hope you are fine .
I need your help on how to make a kind of ranking system in Adalo . I’m building an App for readers . Each reader that signs up will need to add books on their account , the book will then appear on a public list , visible to other readers . I would like to make it , in a way that whenver a book is recommended , liked , or even marked as favorite , it should appear in the “Trending books” list , then the other readers will have the choice to browse that list or browse the popular books ( the normal list ) .
Also , I would like users to add books with categories . This will allow all the books to be stored in their specific category . So readers will have the choice to browse books by categories . I know I need to add a property in the “books post” collection" , the property can be “books category” , but I dont know how to make it work , for each book to join their category .
I will be very delighted to have your feedbacks , Thanks very much .