🚀 Recurring Slots 2.0 - Optimized Slot Management

Hi Adalo Makers! :wave:

I’m Shantanu, and I’m thrilled to share my latest improvement for managing recurring slots in Adalo apps. Over the years, I’ve worked on various client projects where slot management was critical, and I’ve refined the process to make it more efficient and user-friendly.

:bulb: What’s New?

  • Optimized slot creation using just two databases, eliminating the need for countless records per user.
  • A pre-configured system to automatically generate slots based on your defined start and end times.
  • Simplified booking management where booked slots are instantly blocked to prevent overlaps.

:dart: Try It Yourself!

Want to see it in action? Explore the live demo to understand how it works and how you can easily implement it in your app.

:point_right: Take the demo here: Preview the Recurring Slots System

:shopping_cart: Buy Now!

If you’re ready to integrate this feature into your app, you can purchase it using the link below:

After purchase you will receive a help guide

:point_right: Buy it here: Get Recurring Slots 2.0
