Sharing content via sms or other apps

Hi all,

Has anyone has any luck creating a button that opens the phones sharing options like: copy link, share to facebook, share to instagram etc?

Does anyone have any idea?

Hi Hugh,

Are you aware of this feature?

It only works for native builds of course as the functionality comes from the mobile device itself.

Hi @anon78309838,

Wow, that’s interesting. Is there any info on that, how it works?

Best regards, Victor.

You can only share one item though? I want to share a whole listing.

Any info on it?

I want to share a whole listing.

What do you mean by a whole listing?

Wow, that’s interesting. Is there any info on that, how it works?

It currently doesn’t have any help docs surrounding it. I will add this to my to do list. It is pretty straight forward though in how it works if you do a little experimenting with it I think you will probably know it better than me :slight_smile:

Hi Colin,

If I share it to a Facebook post I want to share the following fields:

Event name
Event venue
Event time
Event image (URL)

How do you do this?

Right ok got you. Unfortunately as far as I’m aware this only let’s you share one property. It’s not a feature I am too familiar with so I will have to take some time to familiarise myself more with it and make a tutorial for it.

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