Hi @peterkilaba,
Here’s the video! : Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
Edit. I made this simpler and you don’t need a input to divide the rate by 100. I have added that directly to the code! Updated the video too!
Here’s the script :
var Rate = "5" / 100;
var Term = "48";
var Price = "67890";
var value = Price * (Rate/12) * (Math.pow((1 + (Rate/12)), Term))/ ((Math.pow((1 + (Rate/12)), Term)) - 1);
var value = Math.round(100*value)/100;
return value;
In here change the rate inside double quotes with the drop down’s rate and for the term, term drop-down value and for the price add the input that user type the amount.
Instructions to download components from Pragmaflow website : PragmaFlow's Adalo Marketplace Reopened - YouTube
Pragmaflow website : https://adalo.pragmaflowservers.com/install-component
The component you need :
And also you can hide the inputs and the JS component!
Thank you