Tips to migrate to new button states


I have around 60 screens on my app and many have buttons on them. I would like to start using the different button states through the app.

Is there any tips to make this a quick process, or do I have to go through every screen and recreate every button and action?

Any help/advice would be great!

It’s a bit like when the new responsive feature came out. It’s almost like you have to rebuild the who app from scratch(ish). I do appreciate all these updates. Seems like Adalo is going places now! :grinning:

I have the same issue. You have to rebuild each button. There is no “find” & “replace” in Adalo as the buttons do require logic to trigger the change in state.

I still have someways to go as my original 2 state buttons were built using 2 stacked buttons. These suffer from a “winking” effect but the new 3-state buttons trigger beautifully.

Best of Luck

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