Upload picture to airtable in a adalo form

Hello forum,
I have problems building a form in adalo which is connected to a extern database (airtable).

Texts all arrive in airtable that I enter in the form.
Only when I want to integrate the image picker, It doesn’t work.

It should be a form with which you can take a photo and contain a brief description of the photo. After submitting this should send it to airtable.
The API is fine, but isnt possible to upload images …

Many thanks in advance

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Hi @rawagmbh,

Welcome to the forum!

I don’t think you can upload images directly to an external collection in Airtable.
You could try the workaround (I assume you have an image picker and upload button)

  • create external collection (Airtable)
  • add temporary Image property to user
  • on “upload” button, add an action to update logged-in user with the image from image picker
  • create a custom action to create new record in airtable (POST), and construct the JSON in a way, that it gets image URL from logged-in user temp image’s URL.
  • with this, airtable will “copy” the image to the collection.
    I tried this approach, worked for me.

You can also have a look at this thread: Downloading images from an Adalo collection - #7 by rregueira
Using Integromat might be a possible solution as well.

Best regards, Victor.

Hello victor, thanks for your solution …
It is difficult for me to understand, since I’m new to adalo …
Programming skills are there.
Is there a workaround for this?

Hi @rawagmbh,

I agree that the solution is not trivial and require some skills.
Sorry, I can’t offer anything more simple for you… the only workaround is to store the images in Adalo database.

Best regards, Victor.

thanks alot…
i solved the workflow with integromat.

nice weekend…

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