Just so you know, the native file upload function is limited to 50mb in file size, hence it’s pretty useless for production use.
I hacked together a script that directly allows uploading multiple files into a S3 bucket, but it’s really annoying that the native function is so limited; you can also only upload one file per file picker, so you might need to place several of them in the UI.
That was my experience building this couple months ago, maybe it has changed in the meantime, but wouldn’t count on it.
Feel free to test it, but that’s how it was when I built my app. As I want users to upload video files (large ones, and more than one), the native upload was effectively useless. Maybe it’s updated by now, but I don’t think so tbh.
We’ve been asked about video upload limits of 50mb. We’re got it on our roadmap to look at beyond the speed improvements and some of the higher ranking Canny requests.