@valentine I am leaning more towards @xano as I continue to build more features, here are few of my reasons:
- Authentication managed by Xano - I can use the entire collections with any platform for various activities
- Heavy data manipulation activity- easily possible with Xano
- External API (this one is big for me) - I can combine multiple external API calls into a single function in Xano and connect it to one endpoint for Adalo’s consumption.
- Automations - Xano has inbuilt automations, I don’t have to pay for Integromat or Zapier
And a few more other use cases, happy to share more if needed.
Example for #3: I am sending barcode number to Xano - Xano checks if it already exists in db, if not does an external api (2 different calls: if first one fails, checks in the second one) call for me, get the data, add it to the table and assign the user who sent the request and finally returns the value of the product to me