What does the height attribute do to a list?

In the ‘edit style’ section of a list, there is a width and a height setting. When I create a list, the default height displays several list items, like this:

The red dotted line appears below the first list item. If I drag the bottom border of the list up to the red dotted line, shortening the height attribute, I see absolutely no difference in the way the list appears on my app.

So my question is, what purpose does the height attribute (in lists) serve? When and why would I need it to be longer than the red dotted line?

Hi @MikesClub,

As for me, it is useful for several purposes:

  • you can see how multiple list items will look like (one under another)
  • you can check that all components you want to see in the list are in the list. This happens frequently when playing with custom list - moving components around; occasionally component can “jump away” from the list, when moved across the list border. When you have several list items displayed, you can quickly notice that.
  • also you can see the vertical distance between the list and next element below the list
  • sometimes when you have 2 screen sections side by side (this is relevant to webapps mostly), for example, list on the left and content pane on the right, expanding list height could be useful: you can be sure that elements on the content pane will stay there and not move to the left (if the actual list is too short).

But of course you can keep the list size to a single item.

Hope that other makers and experts will also share their thoughts on this.

Best regards, Victor.

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