Do you know how to get all json data taken by API and show all data with Adalo’s component of list? I use external APIs and get goods data in json but Adalo’s component of list shows me one goods data in json…
First picture is taking json data.In this time, Json data has all goods data.
Second picture is setting list for showing goods list. Json data’s parameter is ItemName and ItemPrice.
The “Public_ID” is just an example - you can have any ID or even just a json item fro your API - it just has to be unique for every json entry, otherwise ADALO can’t see the list items - just the first one.
So you can try to
a) drug and drop your fields External Collection fields to find the one with unique entry for every json item received, or
b) update the API
The “Public_ID” is just an example - you can have any ID or even just a json item fro your API - it just has to be unique for every json entry, otherwise ADALO can’t see the list items - just the first one.
I understood! Thank you!
So you can try to
a) drug and drop your fields External Collection fields to find the one with unique entry for every json item received, or
b) update the API
The “Public_ID” is just an example - you can have any ID or even just a json item fro your API - it just has to be unique for every json entry, otherwise ADALO can’t see the list items - just the first one.
I can create a new parameter in json, can’t I?
I can drug and drop “shopCode” to already exitst parameter, can’t I?
umm…I can’t drug and drop “shopCode” to the other External Collection list.For example, I try to drug and drop it to “imageURL” but, I can’t. The list of order changed only…
I understood!I set “ShopCode” on the top of the list. But, List shows me the same Items as ever as…
This proves that “ShopCode” is not unique, isn’t this?