I have one of my app’s screens for password reset. when typing the new password, the user clicks on “finalizar” (finish) to finally create the new password and log in again. for this, I put an update action to update the users database with the new password, but it is not working.
What I see here is that you’re trying to update Password property for Current User. The issue is that by default Collection Permissions for Users collection won’t allow you to do this. You need to change them in order to make this work.
This video might be helpful Adalo tutorials: multistep customised password reset. ATTENTION - IMPORTANT UPDATES in description. - YouTube, and please pay attention to video description - there are links to relevant forum threads.
Victor, I have already followed all the steps in your video, considering the updates in discription, and still not working. It was working perfectly some days ago. I saw some people in the forum telling that the solution is delete all the database, but my problem is in user database, and I cant delete it. The support of Adalo is not responding my ticket and the users cant access the app, because the app flow to “forgor my password” is the same of “first access”.