Adalo Airtable Pagination

does anyone tried the Airtable pagination in an actual app?
I can’t seem to connect the offset in the custom list.

Can anyone guide us thru this.

my scene is compose of custom list with an image on it, then a next button will trigger the next 100 list of the airtable since their pageSize is max at 100 per load.

when I call the API it seems that it doesn’t change the rows

I think that is the part I am missing.

I believe @pford has answered this question before on the forum. You should be able to find it using the search function at the top right. Let me know if you cannot find it and I will help search.

Yes, I already search for it no actual example shown, example in the other post is about pixabay not airtable.

airtable is using offset which is not sure how it pulls the next items.

although I moved back again to adalo database for my project for now :slight_smile:

Yes the offset parameter can be used to retrieve the next set of records by making a next button that is a list of only the last item in the list. The button will put the record value in a blank text input so the list can filter the results to show only the records after the record that is passed in the offset.

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how can I pull the last item in the list? is it via custom action?

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