Adalo Preview is not working currently (approx for last 3 hours). But status of ADALO ( does not show any issue.
Can someone confirm if you are also facing the same issue.
I have opened a ticket already (ticke # 797060865), and hope system is back up and running again.
Note: The previewer which was open on my laptop earlier (i believe since yesterday) is still working, and new previewer sessions are completely un-responsive. (black-out).
Additionally there is some error while opening previewer from See the picture message attached which appears while opening the previewer browser.
@dilon_perera :: The issue was definately at Adalo system side , as all my devices were experiencing the issue with Previewer at the same time. And I used internet from different providers too to verify if issue is with a single internet provider.
Later on it started working (after about 7 hours), and at that time it started working on all devices (computers and mobiles).