Issue with Previewer


I’ve encountered an issue with the previewer; it seems to not be working correctly. Could this be related to a server problem? Please advise on how to resolve this.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

It seems a lot, if not all Adalo users are experiencing this

Hopefully James and the team at Adalo find the root cause and fix it soon

Hey @produccionvp and @TechaSoftware this was resolved shortly after it happened (see other thread about App Not Found. In the process of moving infrastructure, Fastly was pointed at a new service a little too early. We reverted this as soon as we were alerted to customer impacts.

Apologies for any bumpiness!


Didn’t take long for you guys to fix it @james.crennan, there’s bound to be bumps in the road on the way to improving Adalo.

Credit to you and your team for fixing it so fast :ok_hand:t2:

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Thanks, we’re moving heaven and earth to lift performance!

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