Adalo x supabase users

How do I create new users to display on my Supabase user table, not Adalo, to log in, sign up and update their info?

Hi @parle,

In short: you can’t do this natively in Adalo.

Long time ago there was an “external users” project in Adalo, which allowed to integrate Adalo with other backends from user auth perspective. This was the time when Eric made his video series about SupabaseXAdalo. Then this project was transformed in a way that only Xano users’ backend can be used natively with Adalo apps.

So if you’d like to integrate Supabase users’ part with Adalo app, you’ll have to do it manually: create all the necessary custom actions (log in, sign up, refresh token, etc.). These actions are not connected to Adalo users/auth flow at all. I won’t dive deeper in auth and public schemas of Supabase here. You may want to use triggers on Supabase side to automate record creation in public Users table.

Of course you can connect Users table from public schema as an external collection to Adalo and manage records there. But if you do just this auth part won’t work of course.


Thank you Victor for the clear breakdown, I will look into this. Are there any resources that you would recommend?

Hey @parle,

Not sure there is a ready-made tutorial for this, but who knows. Obviously Supabase docs is a good place to start.
As a side note, in my personal opinion the whole architecture is questionable. I can’t see the reason why Supabase should be used for authentication purposes. The setup will be complicated and may have security issues.


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Yes, I agree and that is understandable.

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