Add to card - Ordering app

Hi @rayatsyd,

Lottie file is a component that you can find in the Marketplace.

Thanks @Nico21

I thought it’s ecommerce component.

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Hi @bhanu do you have a sample database in csv format or other format for reference? screenshots will be great as well. Im also working on an ordering app. Thanks in advance.

@ron I am moving over to @xano for better data management & more flexibility with APIs.

If you need anything specific in Airtable, please let me know, I am happy to share. Thanks

HI, I have problem with my ordering app. When user add to cart and make order it is working well, but when user add multiple items in cart it is not showing me like he bought it is just in cart. I made colection cart+collection order and when user add to cart it is creating cart and order, and on the and when user click order now, I put true false to know was that order or just add to cart, and it is showing me only when is one order, but when is there multiple items true false for order is not working.