Adding an Extra 10/15usd Adalo Plan for non-profit usage

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Hi everyone and Adalo Team,
I would like to request fort a non-profit plan including one own domain name.
(and no Adalo Adds)
This “No commercial” plan would :

  • not include commercial features/plugin, stripe like ect, etc
  • could only display donations bank to bank.
  • would still offer all other features + 20 Gb of data

*Selling items/services would be prohibited as a shared agreement.

I Would be ready to pay 10 15 us$ for such a non-profit plan…
(or less :yum:)

Targeting : ONG, Assoc. Non-profit, education, etc…

Anyone else would support this idea ? Thank you all and the Adalo Team for sure… :hugs:

PS : could not post this in New Features section

  • :man_shrugging:
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