Airtable API fields not showing

Airtable API is connecting just fine and when I test the connection the fields are all showing the data. Unfortunately, when i pull the collection up, the a couple of the crucial fields I’m looking for are not there. Anybody else experience this problem?

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Ensure that there is at least 1 record within that field. Ifthere are no records on that field nothing will come over.

Thanks Ashley. Every record in airtable has a value in that field that isn’t coming over. Even in the test connection in the api the field is showing up and the values from that field are also showing up in the airtable api documentation code. It’s a weird one.

Could you share what types of fields these are in airtable? Also a screenshot of the api response in the test step would be helpful

Hey Ben. Thanks. I have tried multiple ways at it. The original field, and my preferred, is a “Rollup” field. With that said, I have tried doing a “formula” field and also a “number” field. You can see them below showing up with data in the api test run:

“earnings” is the rollup field
“field 38” is a formula field
“field 39” is a number field

I would guess that the next step would be to delete the collection and create it fresh, but I’m concerned about how much stuff that would break on the adalo side since I have made a ton of progress on that end getting it set up using that collection.

Hey @Ben. Wondering if you had a chance to look at this one. Have a client demo tonight and would love to get this last element in place. Let me know. Thanks!

@jromeo80 we have not been able to re-create this issue in our testing. Did you end up re-adding your external collection?

Hey Ben,

Didn’t do it. Instead created a new table in the airtable base. Did lookup fields for the stuff that wasn’t coming in and created a collection off of that. Worked perfectly. Hate that I had to do a workaround and create another table in airtable, but the thought of reconnecting everything if I redid the original collection is overwhelming. Lots of work so far off of that.

Other than that though the app is looking and working great though.


I reproduce the problem. In my airtable data, I have one number field, which contains 0 or 1 (all rows in this table have this field set).

The external collection has been set up without any problem, the IsSuperUser field is shoNnik the Json.

But the external collection is built in Adalo without this number field.

What’s weird in that few hours ago, this field was in Adalo, but it has now disappeared. Note that in between, I removed a lookup field from the airtable table (no relation with the disappeared field) and had to rebuilt the external collection to take the change into account.

So the last update of the external collection made the number field disappeared, I assume.

I have the same issue here. Worked last week, but now only text fields are coming to adalo. They are fine on the Api test screen. Any idea what has happened?

i dont want to re create

We have been experiencing some server issues over the course of the last few days. I can only apologise for those issues and I hope this issue is now resolved. Please let me know if it isn’t.

hey, i have the same problem when connecting API Solr database, not all field are retrieved even when i test the connection all the field are there…
I need to know what is the problem before upgrading my plan

@f.guerouali make sure you have atleast one row in Airtable with data in all the fields (preferably first row), this will ensure to get all the fields.

When you don’t have the data in any of the columns during setup, you’ll not see those fields unfortunately. That was my experience.

Very weird,all the field have value in m’y collection


I’m having the same issue still. Roll up field that returns int value and appears on external collection response object doesn’t get added as a field.

Hello, I am having exact same issue, please provide the solution for this matter?

Hello, no this issue still continue. Airtable data isn’t showing.

Hi Vino,
Sometimes, I ran the API setup multiple times (Create the external collection or just Run Test again) and the fields appear. It is a very weird bug from Airtable/Adalo. Also make sure every column has data to read.