Okay guys - this seems to be a big problem for a lot of people and there is no clear answers to alignment logic
I’ve tried everything to make these centred and stay where I want them to state but I just can’t carry on like this anymore.
How do I make it stay where I want it to
I’ve tried grouping them all together, individually and separately
Aligned to top bottom and non - nothing works
August 25, 2022, 12:23pm
Have you tried putting two, equally-sized, transparent rectangles on each side of the icon?
August 25, 2022, 1:22pm
Put in a square “behind” the icons, that goes from side to side.make the square 100 transparent.
Hi @ciaranjsneill !
Just like @afonso & @Wammen rightly mentioned, creating Component Containers is a best practice while working with multi-platform app development - code & nocode. Please do try that out and feel free to Submit a Support Ticket if it still doesn’t work. Hope this helps!
Tried that too and now two of the 3 are appearing fine but the “home” one is misbehaving and it has the exact same properties
September 4, 2022, 6:24pm
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