Android internal test - I'm struggling to get my testers to download and updating their installed app

I don’t seem to be able to update Android apps installed on my testers phones to the latest version of our app.
Anyone else get this problem or perhaps a work around?

We’re running a Google ‘internal test’ (so not the Closed or Open test), and when I eventually found the link to send to my early adopters I now don’t seem to be able to send them an update…!

I have to say Adalo, the iOS side of publishing an app is fantastic, thank you so much for making it so easy.

Google seem to be almost going out of their way to make the process diffcult, convoluted with unnecessary pitfalls.

@msmurfitt for the Google Play releases, once you release the track, the user just needs to go back to Play Store link, and they can update from there! So the same link to your app in the Play Store will work for every release.

If your users have their device set to auto update apps, it will just update to the newest release when the device recognizes a release is available.

This has been my experience with the internal test tracks. You don’t need a new link, or to invite users to new releases as they are published to each test track. This is because the user is a member of the test track, not the specific release.

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Thanks @ben1 for your reply.
This is what I was expecting to happen (or at least how I read the Android documentation anyway), but I get a slightly different experience.
When I click the link it opens up the app in the Google Play store, temporary name and all, but doesn’t do anything else. It doesn’t prompt for an update and there’s no where to check for an update or even prompt to download the latest version. It’s almost like the version on the phone doesn’t see there’s an updated version available.
Hmmm, not sure what’s going on.

I think I’ll try uninstalling the app and re-sending the link out and reinstalling and see if this shakes the tree a little…

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