Android submission error (must target API Level 29)

Hey there,

I tried to submit to Android and iOS marketplaces, I was accepted to Apple app store but for the Android Google Play marketplace I get an error that says “Your app currently targets API level 28 and must target at least API level 29”. I think Adalo needs to update for API level 29 before new submissions will be accepted, is this correct?



Hi, any news about it? I have still the issue on my side.

Just the other day, I recompiled and tried uploading again and it worked … so either they fixed the issue or it was an issue on the Google Play side of things. Good luck!

Ok, thanks for your answer @drewpark. I just did it again just before sending my message, but I still get the issue. Maybe I will have more luck tomorrow :sweat_smile:

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I have the same problem and cannot fix it.

Our team is facing this issue too as of August 3rd.

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Please try again, we have fixed this on our end and you should be able to submit. You may need to a new build, but you should be able to submit based on the new API level 29 update.


Thanks! But, it did not work, now. I will try again tomorrow.
From Japan.

I have not experienced an error when uploading the solution, but I only get a warning that we need to update the API to level 29 from November 2020 . New apps needs to be updated from August 2002

Same here. built it several times and still having the same problem.

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Please help, I already rebuilt my apk 9th time. I even copy the whole app to a new one. But I’m still getting this error.

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I have built a new release, however, I am still facing the same issue.

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Any possible key actions other than just a “new-build”?
I am facing the same issue.

Same problem here, I alredy tried yesterday and today and still won´t accept it! Did anyone figure out a solution other than keep doing the same thing till it works.

This has now been fixed. Please create a new build to solve this for your app.

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