Anybody used maps?

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It’s currently not possible to change the style of the pin through the JSON file. This is a limitation from Google and not on our side.

Hi Ashley,

I have spent my entire day figuring this map out and all I get is a blank page upon logging in. Please help! I will be so grateful! :frowning:

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I’m having the exact same problem…

Depending on use case, I’ve just made this video on an alternative way to display maps:

(For PWA not Native)

Hi! Plz help us)) May be you can screenshot actions you did! Thanks buddy!!!

Has anyone figured out the blank map problem? I am having the same issue.

Hi @kotsolino ,

I had the “blank map” issue. Here is what I discovered while solving my issue. This list is not intended to be exhaustive:

  • Make sure your API key is set up correctly and that it is not too restrictive. For example, the key needs to be able to access more than the Maps JavaScript API.
  • If you are displaying multiple markers on your map, all address information needs to be valid. For example, if you have a collection of 4 marker rows, and 1 is empty, then the map won’t display at all.
  • Look in your Google Console and see if your map requests are generating errors. If 100% of your requests are generating error, then make sure you have enabled the necessary APIs/SDKs. If you are seeing no requests in the Google Console, then that may imply an issue on the Adalo side.

Hope this helps.