Anyone having trouble zooming into their dashboard?

I’m unable to zoom to my pages to edit my app in the dashboard. Anyone else having an issue? Is my app too large or is it a bug? I can zoom in my other apps.

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my app is about 75 screens and is zooming fine right now. Occasionally, I’ve had a zoom issue where it will zoom all the way out and never zoom back in. I just close the browser and reopen and it works.

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Thank you for your feedback. I have the same amount of pages and still seems to be an issue after I log out and back in. Might need to submit a ticket for a bug issue.

Me too…I’m on Catalina last build and its the same on Chrome and Safari and renders the builder as unusable…more, can’t load anymore on my pad ,chrome and safari, not good to real usage but fair enough to show my screens to client… , then I know we can group things but would be really useful to have tabs with groups in there , the hierarchical list is way too confusing.Thanks.

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