Apple won’t accept IAPHUB for in app purchases

Apple has rejected my app because they don’t like that I’m using a third party for in-app purchases. We are using IAPHUB which was recommended.

Here is what they say:
Regarding 3.1.1, your app requires in-app purchase to access the digital content .
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate that your app must be available for purchase in the app using only in-app purchase.

Has any one dealt with this or know what to do to fix it?


Hello, are you using the IAPHUB for subscriptions or in-app products?

Thank you!


this is what they said now:
Thank you for your message.

Regarding 3.1.1, your app requires in-app purchases for the access digital content.

Here are two ways to resolve this issue:

  • You can revise your app to not include subscription services for content to be displayed in your app.

  • Otherwise, you can revise your app to let App Store customers purchase these services with in-app purchase.

Apps that offer paid digital services and content across multiple platforms may allow customers to access the content they acquired outside the app as long as it is also available for purchase using in-app purchase. See Guideline 3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services for more information.

If you have any additional information to provide regarding the digital content and services in your app and how the guidelines apply to them, please reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. If there is information you’d like us to consider in our review of future submissions, please feel free to include it in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect.

We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.

Best regards,

App Review

@418App are you using anything else in addition to IAPHUB? Do you direct users to another page/resource they can buy the subscription without IAP?

IAPHUB usually works pretty well in Adalo (although setting it up is quite complicated). So if Apple doesn’t see IAPHUB, you may want to send them a message with pages’ screenshot showing that you’ve set up IAP.


No it’s simply IAP. We are hoping it was a button that looked like we were going outside of the in-app purchases. What would I need to send screenshots of to show them this?

Hi @418App,

You need to provide proofs to Apple that purchases inside your app is made using IAP. There is a possibility to reply to a rejection in Appstoreconnect and provide additional information to Apple moderation.
Put yourself into the shoes of Apple moderator. What proofs will you need to be sure that correctly set up IAP is being used?
Provide such proofs to Apple and everything should be fine. Of course if IAP in the app is set up correctly on your side :).


We are working on that now. Thank you.

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