Audio Player Statistics and Data

Hello All,

My app uses the audio player as its main feature and I need a way to recall detailed statistics about usage of the audio player.

I need to know how many times the player is used across the entire app each day/week/month etc.
How many times each track is played and by which user each day/week/month etc.
I need to compare tracks; “users listened to this track on average 90% complete compared to 60% complete on another track”

How can I record this data and recall it easily?

Does anyone have an idea about this?

Can anybody answer about audio player statistics and data?

You will have to create a new collection, you can call it “Play Analytics” or whatever you want.

In this collection you will need to create a property for each item you want to track and then in the player component you will need to create an action to either create or update a record in the analytics collection to reflect the action the user took.

If the audio is coming from a common hosting environment, you might be able to gather statistics about plays and usage. You could also tag your audio with an extra parameter like ?source=app and those can be parsed in web logs. If they are podcasts, most podcast companies have analytics as well.

Thank you. Do you have any idea how I would recall (as an example) “This album got x number of plays for the month of march.”?

Also, when I have it record the play analytics, do I set it to update and type +1 in the corresponding field or do I type “play count” +1?

Thank you. Do you have any idea how I would recall (as an example) “This album got x number of plays for the month of march.”?

You would do this by fetching the numbers from the collections you have created.

Also, when I have it record the play analytics, do I set it to update and type +1 in the corresponding field or do I type “play count” +1?

Playcount +1