Autosave Text Input


Does anyone know if the “Autosave Text Input” control, gives the ability to save the text length to a DB collection? I really need to find a way of determining have long a text field is and store that character count.

There are some simple things missing in Adalo, like DB functions (Len, coalesce, substring, etc)

Hi @Fred,

There’s a component that NoCode Monkey created for Auto-save text! Check it here : 🐒 Autosave Text Input | New Component from NoCode Monkey

And also Victor introduced a workaround for this too which might help you! : Adalo experiments: how to create auto save for input - YouTube

If you use Victor’s method I think there’s no way to get the count. But you can use JS for this!

Check this video : Auto-save text with JS.mp4 - Google Drive

Here’s the code :

var text = "dilon";
var count = text.split(/\W/).join('').length;
return count;

Add the input for dilon inside double quotes.

Instructions to download components from Pragmaflow website : PragmaFlow's Adalo Marketplace Reopened - YouTube

Pragmaflow website :

The component you need :


Thank you

Hi, Thanks for the response, so we can use JS in adalo !!!, well that could be a positive game changer for me as done JS coding for decades… though i assume the use is limited to just a few things?

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