Take a look at this awesome marketplace https://app.lapalmera.mx
I made it for the largest university in Mexico.
Unfortunately, I cannot afford the required publicity expenditure to make it growth properly.
It reached 299 users and 79 products in tree months, with 873 clics on products details.
I am also considering to upload it as a template in @axme 's page
List of key features (it does not include all):
Dynamic Cash Payments
Automatically assign sales according to a participation rate. (e. g. if there are four collaborators, you could divide the sales as you like, 60% for you and the rest 20% each or invite twenty collaborators with 5% each). -
Store product images in AWS S3
Upload every image to S3 and automatically delete it from ADALO DB to achieve faster loading times and optimace use of storage. -
Advanced filters (star rating, price, name, categorý, location, name)
Tools for admin. (user banning, search unwanted content by keywords, automatically delete trash data, ask users to accept again the new terms of service, etc.)
If you are interested send a message, I will gladly show you any details you need.