Basic Calculations in Forms


This should be really simple solution - but struggling to figure this out…

I have a database which has a StartDate, EndDate and Duration.

I want the Create Form - for a user to select both the Start and End Date from the Date Picker and the Duration Form Field to Automatically Calculate the Days Between the Start and End Date.

Can this be done in Adalo?

Thanks in Advance

Welcome to the community @Martiniho! :partying_face:

This is possible but for automatically calculate the duration and show, you need to use a custom form instead of built in form.

Check this : 20240809193628.mp4 - Google Drive

DB view :

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Thanks @dilon_perera , for you’re very quick reply - You’re a Star!

That works a treat Thank you - I’ve only been using Adalo for a day or so, and thought this basic calculation was going to be the end of Adalo for me. :rofl:

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