Book a specific time

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to reserve a specific time, what I am trying to achieve is that the client can reserve the available time, for example, that they can reserve from 9 am to 10 am, and that time is busy for others customers, also that you can book next days. or if someone can help me a reservation system

Hi @martinvazques ,

This is an improved app of my cloneable app about booking,

This app is just for demonstration purpose, not free.

This booking mechanism is not like inventory item purchase, because it will have to pre-populated first which is not efficient.

Another function is to have range of dates of availability first, if this is checked, rental items that are outside this range is considered unavailable, then if the booking dates/hours are within this availability range, it will be checked against conflicted bookings.

Play around and have questions after that.

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