Book Multiple apointments

My users book multiple appointments in one go. How can I do that in our Adalo system?
This is the core of our product. Please help how can I achieve it. A sample is attached below.

I am sorry but I didn’t understand your question, could you explain it better?

Hello there,

We are making an app that doctors would use to manage their practice. Now, this kind of use case needs to book "Recurring appointments’ for a patient in the first meet itself.

The pattern goes as- eg. Book appointment for Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 10 sessions (which goes up to approx. repeating these 3 mentioned days thrice plus 1 more Monday and timestamp is same). Now these all should get booked in single one page

In short: Repeating appointment on every Mon, Wed and Fri till 10 sessions

Let me know if you have further any questions

Hello there, any updates on how to solve this query ? Please reply

You’d need to create a table called sessions or bookings, with the days of the week in it. When a toggle is ticked it would make that day true. Without knowing a bit more information about what other requirements are needed i can’t really expand much further but it can be done

But I need to map that day with a date, right? So that I save it and show it on the relevant date on the calendar. I’ve mentioned the detailed use case above in the comment section, please refer. Basically, My users need to book recurring appointments at a single go on one screen

Hi Deepak,

Not sure if you got this owkring or not yet?

It is quite a complicated setup to do. I hope I will be able to make a tutorial or a cloneable for this at some time but that may be some time off before that happens. In the mean time, I would advise to perhaps hire an Adalo Expert who can coach you through this setup.

No problem. I understand that. We will find a work around but this is a requested feature by lot of us on slack. Anyways thanks for getting back to me

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